Name: Ckanzis [KAN-zihs, 'a' as in 'cat']
Galactic Location: Along the uppermost curve in the middle of the universe.
Neighboring Systems: 1.5 months from Ka Su Len to the east; 1.5 months from Carennh to the south; 1.5 months from Dtan to the south-west; 2.25 months from Dri to the west.
Worlds In System: Natten, Ontevind, Wher
Natives: noalin, thothosi
Colonists: none
System Formation: Second Category. The three worlds face away from each other so that the non-polar sides of their gravitic ore point inwards, and the sun swings an ellipse around them. The worlds spin like frisbees, creating seasonal change, and the sun's orbit creates a day-night cycle; the night is roughly twice as long as the day and can get considerably colder. With these types of sun systems, the seasons are most extreme near the edges of the worlds, becoming more uniform and changeless towards the center of the planet. All second-category systems are horizontally aligned, so that the planets face outwards towards other systems and the sun's ellipse is horizontal.
About the System: Ckanzis is a recently-discovered system in terms of intersun travel; Lo'hês have made preliminary contact with the natives of Natten and Ontevind, and empty Wher is being evaluated for potential colonization by various populous races. A few docks have been built over all three worlds, but activity is still limited by diplomatic efforts with noalins and thothosi.