Name: X [kss, though most pronounce it as the letter 'eks']
Galactic Location: In the lower latter quadrant of the universe.
Neighboring Systems: 1.75 months away from Rell to the north-east; 1.75 months away from Agauw to the east; 1.25 months away from Utenis to the south; 2.5 months away from Drosz to the south-west; 1.75 months away from Eusa'lae to the west; 2 months away from Os to the north-west.
Worlds In System: Throne, Quarter, Moysey, Fontmark
Natives: ret'chek, kero
Colonists: ret'chek
System Formation: Third Category. The four worlds are arranged in a rough circle in an up-down-up-down pattern, all approximately the same distance from the sun in the center of the circle. Because half the worlds are opposite the other half, the polar sides of their gravitic ore layers create a balanced field that keeps the sun oscillating vertically between them, creating an equal night-day cycle. Seasonal changes are fairly predictable, since the worlds are spinning horizontally while the sun stays on the same vertical axis; seasons are more extreme near the edges of the worlds and taper into a seasonless temperate zone in the very center of the world.
About the System: X is the home system of the ret'chek'r and the cornerstone of their territory; three out of four worlds - all but Moysey - are ret'chek colonies, with the majority of the trading being shared between Throne and Fontmark, as Quarter is reserved for more domestic needs. Moysey is visited by researchers and academics, and only with careful ret'chek supervision; the ret'chek'r themselves rarely visit that world, leaving its native keroi in peace. While X is not a dangerous place to visit, it is highly militarized and has a mostly-undeserved reputation for being a hostile and volatile place. None of the worlds are Light-policed.